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News Archive

October 2020

Ministers accused of failing to address impact of coronavirus on ethnic minorities

Public Health England review found that ministers had failed to bring in measures to reduce the disproportionate impact of Coronavirus on ethnic minorities, despite warnings that action was needed. 

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October 2020

 ‘No stigma’ in nurses seeking mental health support, CNOs urge
The most senior nurses in the UK spoke out to acknowledge the psychological stress placed on the nursing profession by Covid-19 and assured staff they will face ‘no stigma’ for asking for help. Speaking at a nursing conference, Ruth May, Professor Jean White, and Professor Charlotte McArdle, chief nursing officers of England, Wales and Northern Ireland respectively, cited the mental health and wellbeing of nurses as a key concern and priority going into the second wave of the coronavirus crisis. 

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October 2020

Pregnant women still forced to have hospital scans alone

Pregnant women are still having to undergo vital maternity scans alone in London hospitals as a result of Covid restrictions — including those who fear they may have miscarried. Partners were banned from attending routine checks during the pandemic’s first peak. Research by the Association for Improvements in the Maternity Services found that half of London NHS trusts who provided information had imposed restrictions — and at least two planned to continue doing so.

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October 2020

Infection control experts issue open letter on care home visiting during Covid 19 pandemic 

Group of experts in nursing and infection prevention and control (IPC) is today warning against the use of IPC measures as a “rationale” for stopping safe and compassionate visits in care homes during the Covid-19 pandemic. In a new open letter published in Nursing Times, the specialists say that preventing people from visiting loved ones in social care settings in the name of the IPC is a “misinterpretation and at times even abuse” of IPC principles.

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October 2020

COVID-19: concerns over ICU nurses’ mental health as admissions rise

The report notes that British Association of Critical Care Nurses chair Nicki Credland said she was aware of cases of nurses who work in intensive care units (ICUs) being treated for post-traumatic stress disorder and others being admitted for mental health treatment as a result of their experiences treating patients during the pandemic. 

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October 2020

Regulator warns existing inequality ‘fault lines are becoming chasms’

A report says the government must immediately deliver a new deal for social care with major investment and better terms for workers, the Care Quality Commission has said. The regulator warned that the sector was “fragile” as it braces for a second wave of infections. In a challenge to ministers, the CQC’s chief executive, Ian Trenholm, said overdue reform of the care sector “needs to happen now – not at some point in the future”

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October 2020

Listen to a short message from Donna Ockenden as Baby Loss Awareness Week 2020 commences

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September 2020

Birth restrictions lifted for in England 

NHS England has written to all maternity units telling them to start allowing partners to attend births and pregnancy scans despite the Covid19 pandemic. The new guidance was issued after the Royal College of Midwives criticised the ban that had been enforced, accusing NHS England of ‘dragging its feet’ on lifting the restrictions. Hospital trusts have been now been advised to implement ‘innovative’ measures to keep patients and staff safe. 

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September 2020

Transparent face masks for nurses to help them communicate with vulnerable 

The government has ordered 250 thousand clear face masks to help nurses communicate effectively with people who have learning disabilities, autism, dementia or hearing loss. Thousands of the masks will be delivered to NHS hospitals and social care providers in the UK in the coming weeks. Many patients rely on reading nurses faces to understand what is happening during care. 

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September 2020

New Covid-19 measures : Social gatherings of more than 6 people banned in England 

From the 14th September groups of more than 6 people are banned from meeting for social reasons both indoors and outdoors. The rule does not however apply to schools, weddings, funerals or organised team sports. Anyone breaking the new rule could face a £100 fine. Multiple offences could apply up to £3,200. 

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September 2020

More than 50% of nurses consider joining register permanently after pandemic. 

The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) has published a snapshot analysis of its Covid-19 temporary register as of 2 July 2020. Emergency measures were introduced to meet demand at the start of the pandemic allowing former and overseas trained nurses and midwifery professionals to help in the UK response to Covid-19. 49 per cent of those who responded said that is was ‘possible’ or ‘highly likely’ that they would re-join the register permanently after the pandemic. 

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September 2020

Only 23% of NHS trusts letting birth partners stay for whole of labour

The Guardian  reports that a recent survey found that only 23% of Trusts in England were allowing partners to stay for the whole of labour.

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