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News Archive

March 2020

Coronavirus: Doctors and Nurses have been informed rules can be broken during outbreak

NHS staff will be allowed to break normal rules on patient treatment during the outbreak.

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March 2020

Epidurals are being refused to women in labour

A government inquiry has found that official guidelines are being breached as epidurals are being refused to women in labour. The Health Minister has confirmed she will write to all heads and Directors of midwifery and medical directors at all NHS trusts to remind them of the guidelines and to ensure they are being followed. 

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March 2020

Cases of Coronavirus jumps to 87 in the UK

The UK has seen its biggest day-on-day increase in coronavirus cases. The 36 new patients had recently travelled to countries affected by coronavirus  or had been infected by others who had travelled to affected countries. 

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March 2020

NMC reassures nurses on combatting coronavirus 

A joint statement  by the NMC and 10 other health regulators expressing their understanding that if an outbreak of coronavrius happens in the UK that health professionals will be forced to make changes to their practice.

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March 2020

Health Secretary asking MPs for solutions on the adult social care crisis 

The Health Secretary has asked MPs and Peers for their views on the best way going forward in the adult social care sector. The Health Secretary has asked all politicians in Westminster to urge them  to share their concerns, views and proposed solutions on how the care is organised and funded. 

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March 2020

Global Health Leaders  Coronavirus Fears for Nurses 

Barriers preventing nurses from receiving the right personal protective equipment to protect them catching coronavirus must be removed, one of the world’s most senior doctors have stated. The World Health Professions Alliance fears that nurses may die due to shortage of personal protective equipment in the UK. 

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March 2020

Coronavirus: PM to hold emergency Cobra meeting 

The prime minister will chair an emergency Cobra meeting later to review measures to delay the spread of coronavirus in the UK. The meeting is expected to consider whether “social distancing” measures should be phased in. These could include closing schools and encouraging home working. 

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March 2020

Coronavirus: Concerns that UK hospitals are running out of protective equipment for staff

UK hospitals are beginning to run out of vital equipment needed to protect staff  from catching coronavirus from infected patients.. NHS staff have said they are unable to get hold of specialist personal protective equipment (PPE) which is needed to prevent them from being infected and some hospitals are only weeks away from running out of equipment.

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March 2020

Inspections suspended at hospitals and care homes 

Hospital visits have been suspended by CQC and HSIB during coronavirus outbreak. The CQC have also suspended all inspections of care homes with immediate effect. 

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March 2020

Full border closure planned in Europe

European Commission is planning to ban all non-essential travel throughout Europe’s Schengen free-travel zone to limit the spread of coronavirus alongside other countries. 

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March 2020

Death toll fears make UK change course

Researches have warned change course or a quarter of a million people will die of coronavirus in this catastrophic epidemic. The nation are now facing profound changes to their daily lives. 

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March 2020

Trust procurement leads have raised concerns over dwindling gown supplies. It was reported that there are barely any gowns left in the system, the supply situation is extremely bad and it was not known when more would be available.

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