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News Archive

July 2018

Healthcare professionals in GP surgeries and the community will soon give advice on dementia risk to patients as part of the NHS Health Check. This will enable healthcare professionals to talk to their patients about how they can reduce their dementia risk, such as by maintaining their social life, keeping mentally and physically active and stopping smoking.

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July 2018

The NHS, social care and public health desperately need significant funding if they are to survive. That’s the finding of a new report from The Richmond Group, a coalition of 14 charities including Age UK.

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July 2018

The Association of Child Psychotherapy (ACP), has launched a report, ‘Silent Catastrophe’, which provides new evidence of the inadequacy of NHS mental health services for children and young people (CAMHS) and shows that this is due not only to chronic underfunding but also to the way in which some services are being restructured.

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June 2018

The RCM has published a statement on infant feeding. The statement recommends that balanced and relevant information be given to parents choosing to formula feed their babies, whether exclusively or partially, to enable them to do so safely and with support to encourage good bonding.

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June 2018

A guidance note published by gov.uk outlines how to optimise the NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme (NHS DPP) in order to identify those already found to be at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes and offer support that will help them reduce their risk of developing the disease.

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June 2018

A guidance note published by gov.uk outlines how to optimise the NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme (NHS DPP) in order to identify those already found to be at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes and offer support that will help them reduce their risk of developing the disease.

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June 2018

Children in care will get better mental health assessments as they enter the care system under a new £1million pilot scheme. Up to 10 pilots across the country will ensure young people are assessed at the right time, with a focus on their individual needs as they enter care.

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June 2018

New findings from the long-running Whitehall study of over 10,000 civil servants has found 50-year-olds who had blood pressure that was higher than normal but still below the threshold commonly used when deciding to treat the condition, were at increased risk of developing dementia in later life.

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June 2018

The adult care system in the UK is ‘visibly failing’ and ‘unfit for purpose’ according to the findings of a recent survey by the Care and Support Alliance (CSA). Almost 4,000 individuals that identified themselves as having experience of adult social care in England provided a picture of the experiences of the 1.2 million older and disabled people currently unable to get the care they need – a number that’s almost doubled since 2010.

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June 2018

As reported by Sands; The Royal Women’s Hospital in Melbourne are introducing a blood test they helped to develop which could predict a pregnant woman’s likelihood of developing pre-eclampsia.

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June 2018

NHS England is seeking views from GPs, practice teamsand members of the public on what people think about the idea of online consultations with the aim of improving the service and increasing the availability and use of online consultations.

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June 2018

Sands has launched #FindingTheWords campaign to help everyone talk about baby loss. Two out of five parents who went back to work after their baby died said no-one talked to them about their loss a survey of more than 2,500 bereaved parents has found. Dr Clea Harmer, chief executive of Sands, said: “Sadly, the death of a baby is not a rare event but too often, bereaved parents are faced by a wall of silence because people around them, family, friends, and colleagues, are lost for words.

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