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News Archive

May 2018

Channel 5 broadcast a special news item on “breaking the taboo of stillbirth” on May 1st 2018. Many bereaved parents were interviewed, after the publication of a recent Tommy’s survey. Clea Harmer, CEO of Sands and Chair of the NBCP Core Group appears in the programme and makes reference to the National Bereavement Care Pathway.

Other NBCP updates are available here

May 2018

Fitness to practise is changing – The NMC need your views on the changes they want to make to their fitness to practise function. The NMC believe the proposed changes will improve their ability to protect the public by making the process of investigating nurses and midwives more efficient and less adversarial. Please respond to the consultation before it ends on 20 May 2018.

Have your say

April 2018

The Interim Evaluation submitted by Fiveways, the external organisation who have carried out the evaluation work for the National Bereavement Care Pathway has been published.The interim report covers the first six months of the project and as such covers the professionals’ perspective, not the parents’ perspective at this stage. The full and final report in October will cover both groups (the parent survey is now live for the Wave 1 sites).

Read the report

April 2018

The new Enhancing the Safety of Midwifery-led birth Enquiry (ESMiE) confidential enquiry of term intrapartum stillbirths and intrapartum related neonatal deaths is well underway. This enquiry follows on from the main MBRRACE-UK report published in November last year.

More information

April 2018

According to a report in the Dementia and Alzheimers journal, hospitals are failing to spot that more than a third of dementia patients suffer from the condition. Researchers said it was vital for hospitals to spot dementia in patients so that they could be treated appropriately. The study, by University College London, tracked patients who were diagnosed with dementia and subsequently admitted to general hospitals for a reason other than their dementia.

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April 2018

The stillbirth prevention charity, MAMA Academy, have produced leaflets for pregnant women which contain the official Dept of Health safer pregnancy messaging. They are available free of charge to all NHS Trusts, midwives, GP surgeries and Sure Start Centres. They are also available in various different languages including Arabic, Bengali, Punjabi, French, Turkish, Portuguese, Spanish, Welsh, Polish, Urdu and Chinese.

Please email [email protected] to order your free copies.

April 2018

Donna is delighted to work in partnership with teachers of the Junior School at Portsmouth High this summer, to present ‘The Ockenden Award for Helping Others’. The winner will be a student who is judged to have made the most effort to support charitable causes whilst at the school. Donna will also provide a donation to the charity of the pupil’s choice and a small gift to the winner in recognition of their hard work along with the engraved trophy.

April 2018

New figures released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show that for the first time conception rates are increasing for women who are over 40 in England and Wales.

Read more | ONS data

April 2018

With support from NHS England, the RCM has developed a new online learning resource to help develop understanding about midwifery continuity of carer.

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April 2018

RCOG statement in response to Lancet series on pre-conception health. The diet and health of both parents can have profound implications for the growth, development, and long-term health of their children before their conception, according to a series of papers published in The Lancet.

Read more | RCM view

April 2018

The Government has commissioned an independent review of the Mental Health Act. It is due to produce its report and recommendations towards the end of the year, but there will be an interim report. The Mental Health Act sets out when people can be detained and treated in hospital against their will. Being sectioned is one of the most serious things that can happen to somebody experiencing a mental health problem.

Read more | Read the comment from Mind

April 2018

The majority of UK employers fail to meet basic standards when it comes to supporting their staff with mental health, a study released to coincide with Stress Awareness Month has revealed. Poor mental health is the most common reason for people to take time off work, costing businesses an estimated £10.6 billion in sickness absence and £21.2 billion in reduced productivity per year, according to NHS data.

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