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News Archive

February 2018

A new campaign launched by Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) aims to reduce patient infection. The campaign focuses on setting out essential Infection Prevention and Control actions which are required from all staff, patients and visitors.

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February 2018

NHS England has begun urging patients with the same long-term conditions to begin attending group GP appointments in order to save doctors time. The scheme would see up to 15 patients take part in 90-minute “shared” consultations. A similar initiative operates in the US, with mixed results, as some patients find it uncomfortable sharing their results with the group so may avoid attending the sessions.

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February 2018

A new NHS England campaign says parents of young children with minor illnesses should take them to pharmacies rather than GPs or A&E but a patients’ group stresses that parents should still see a doctor if they feel this is the right thing to do, especially if their child has a very high temperature that doesn’t go away. NHS England’s Stay Well Pharmacy campaign is urging people to visit their local pharmacist first to help save the service money and free up time for the sickest patients.

Read more about the campaignMedia coverage

February 2018

A parliamentary research group has published a briefing paper which shows that the NHS has staff from more than 202 different countries. However some media coverage does incorrectly report that foreign nurses are being allowed to sit easier English tests. The NMC have closely aligned the way nurses and midwives who trained in EU and non EU countries evidence their English language competency.

Read the briefing paper

February 2018

Health chiefs at Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) say extraordinary ongoing pressures are the reason for patients sleeping in equipment rooms and in corridors. A spokeswoman for the health board said the situation was being reviewed on a daily basis and added that to continue to maintain personal, safe and dignified care for all patients, a small number of people were accommodated in an identified clinical environment under the supervision of fully trained, experienced staff.

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February 2018

Betsi Cadwaladr Health Board (BCUHB) want to improve care for people living with dementia and one way to do this is via a clinical audit. BCUHB are seeking input from the public and will accept suggestions until 30 April 2018. After collecting the feedback the board will draft up an audit plan.

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February 2018

Vaughan Gething, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Services for the Welsh Government; has said Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) had made progress since they were put in special measures in 2015. However he also referred to the mental healthcare service which still requires “urgent” attention. The health board has now been promised extra funding and new troubleshooters to boost performance. A former NHS boss will advise the board on governance, plus a new turnaround director and team will be hired. Mr Gething said the board continued to face “significant challenges” and needed extra support.

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February 2018

Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) has launched a new campaign to encourage staff to use their Welsh when speaking to patients. The initiative is called: Use Your Welsh and staff are asked to speak in Welsh, even if they only know a few words. It is hoped the campaign will have a positive impact on patient care, especially for Welsh speakers with dementia, and stroke patients.

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February 2018

Back in November Donna Ockenden, the founder of the Four Streets Project, approached Purchases Restaurant in North Street Chichester for help with providing nutritious, tasty and hot food for the homeless people her team work with. Those who are living on the streets are desperate for a hot evening meal and Purchases have been a huge support in creating a tasty and wholesome soup for the cold nights.

Read more | Chichester Observer | Purchases press release

January 2018

Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) has reported that a number of “significant challenges” remain since being placed in special measures two and a half years ago. Earlier in January 2018 a progress report was presented at a BCUHB Board meeting. The report: Special Measures End of Phase 3 Overview outlines the progress made between December 2016 and November 2017.

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January 2018

More than 18,000 women across 130 NHS trusts were asked by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) if they’d had a positive experience of maternity care. Most women responded positively regarding aspects such as choice of where to give birth, quality of information and access to help and support after giving birth. However, up to one in four are still being left along during labour or birth which conflicts with NHS policy.

Read the CQC press release | Read more coverage

January 2018

An evening reception was recently held at the House of Commons, on Children, Young People and Mental Health: Communicating in an Online World, which was a collaboration between the British Psychology Society (BPS) and the Mental Health Foundation (MHF). The aim was to bring together parliamentarians, practitioners and policy makers interested in children and young people and the impact of social media and digital technology, on their mental health.

Read the blog by Rosie Horne

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