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News Archive

October 2017

Serious errors in maternity care that leave babies brain damaged are as likely today as they were 20 to 25 years ago, according to a report that recommends annual training for all obstetric staff. A review of compensation claims by the NHS litigation body found problems with staff training across the health service, as well as issues with individual doctors or midwives. Report author Michael Magro said: “These incidents are very rare. However, every case presents an opportunity for learning in order to improve the safety of maternity care.”

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October 2017

New resources are now available for Stepping up to Public Health. The framework can help midwives and MSW’s discuss public health issues with the women in a more personalised way. RCM are very keen to encourage use of this resource on a regular basis as part of midwifery care. It has been funded by the Department of Health and supported by PHE.

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October 2017

Marc Harder, National Bereavement Care Pathway Lead at Sands has published his latest blog on the National Bereavement Care Pathway. The update covers the work being carried out ahead of the pilot launch of the pathway on the 9th October 2017.

Read the blog

September 2017

In June 2017, Donna Ockenden as Co-Clinical Director of the London Maternity Clinical Network worked closely with Sands and NHS England on the creation of the Maternity Bereavement Experience Measure (MBEM). Health professionals and parents met in London to launch the toolkit which provides practical methods for gathering feedback from families whose baby or babies have died during pregnancy or shortly after birth.

Read event evaluation here

Read a selection of blogs here

September 2017

Public Health England have developed and published temporary recommendations in light of recent global shortages of hepatitis B vaccine, including combination hepatitis A/B vaccine, which have severely impacted on the UK supply. The situation was particularly critical during August but limitations on supply are likely to continue until early 2018.

PHE and the Department of Health have been working with both vaccine manufacturers to institute ordering restrictions according to customer type.

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September 2017

The RCM is currently highlighting an upcoming series of short animated films on FGM across social media. The animations have been developed closely with RCM’s partners the RCOG, RCGP, survivors, NGOs and other community partners. The films were officially launched in Parliament on September 12. Each film will conclude with a call to UK governments to act to end FGM.

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September 2017

The Maternity Bereavement Experience Measure (MBEM) questionnaire and supporting resource was created collaboratively by Sands, NHS England and the London Maternity Clinical Network. The questionnaire was designed to seek feedback from bereaved parents where a baby or babies have died during pregnancy or shortly after birth.

Watch the videos here

September 2017

Nearly half of new mothers with mental health problems are not being diagnosed or treated according to a report from NCT, the parents’ charity, The Hidden Half, Bringing postnatal mental illness out of hiding. The report also calls for more maternal mental health training and guidance for doctors so they are better equipped to discuss emotional wellbeing with mothers.

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September 2017

Mental illness is estimated to affect one in ten pregnancies and, in the UK, has persistently been shown to be associated with high levels of maternal morbidity and mortality. Researchers from Kings College, explain that suicide is a leading cause of late maternal death in the UK with 2.3 deaths by suicide per 100 000 maternities during or up to the first year after pregnancy.

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September 2017

Public Health England have announced that all babies born on or after 1 August 2017 will be offered protection against hepatitis B as part of the universal childhood immunisation programme. The hexavalent vaccine replaces the existing 5-in-1 pentavalent vaccine, which infants are routinely given at 8, 12 and 16 weeks.  There has been no change to the immunisation schedule or to the number of injections.

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September 2017

The NMC is conducting a consultation to help them shape the future of nursing and midwifery education. They would like your views on the proposed changes by Tuesday 12th September.
The education consultation includes standards that set out the skills and knowledge the NMC think nurses will need in the future. It also asks questions about standards that will affect both nurses and midwives including changes to the education framework and proposals to withdraw the standards of medicine.

Access the consultation here

September 2017

Elderly abuse ‘a major issue’ in Wales, warns charity; Action on Elder Abuse Cymru. They say radical action is needed to protect older people in Wales. Many abusers are going unpunished, and they is campaigning for tougher punishments. A survey carried out found 12.5% of 500 people aged 65 and older had experienced some form of abuse.

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